Monday, June 06, 2005

June 6 2005

Sunday - Early start ran quite well I got to Queens Park a bit quicker 34.20. I nearly took a tumble on a tree trunk in Centennial Park but managed to get home in one piece. Ran for 90mins - 12.75mls
Monday - A bit cooler this morning. I did 13 hills ave 41.5 pretty consistent . I was happy with session . 8.25mls
Tuesday - I met up with Tiff at Cafe 630am . I started a bit earlier . We ran pretty easy . Ran for 61.30 mins - 8.75mls Coughing a lot when I got to work.Wts lunchtime.
Wednesday - Out the door at 630am . Ran at Queens Park . 2x2050 & 2x1025m 2min rec. Ran well 6.55,6.45 & 3.17.9,3.16.3 - 8.5mls
Thursday - Ran in the morning in Centennial Park with Tiff just over 50mins plus strides - 8mls Lunch - Wts
Fri - Rest
Sat - morn 7am Decided not to race at Striders. I was not feeling the best so racing would have done me more harm than good. Ran 47mins Centennial Park - 6.75mls
53mls for week
Sun - morn 720am Ran course along beached then back to Queens Park and ran a bit in the park up the hill and then ran back home. 61min 15 s .A little over 8.75mls. I didn't feel strong particularly on hills but my time was quite good .
I did some good quality sessions but I have picked Amy's cold. We are both coughing a lot. My game plan is to avoid running in the cooler air in the morning and don't do any quality sessions. I'm hoping that I can keep jogging but if all else fails and I don't feel better by the end of the week . I will have to rest. I had a niggle with some patella tendonitis soreness in the right knee. I have been icing my knee and a lot of the tenderness is now gone.
I have a bit more work to do so that has been good.We had a great day yesterday. We had a birthday party for Kieran yesterday and he really enjoyed himself. He got a Wiggles guitar and he didn't put it down.He really enjoyed himself. These are the moments that are so worthwhile.Amy did a great job organising things for the party. Luckily two of our friends stayed behind and helped us tidy up afterwards.
Amy purchased Wiggles the movie from the local video store for 50c and we have already seen it 3 times on Saturday. The boy did not want to leave the house on Saturday morning watching the movie. After his nap in the afternoon . I managed to get him to the local park . He took the mini football with and was wanting me to kick and the ball with him. I cannot believe how much he is advancing.
Tiff is slowly but surely getting back into the running again after 3 months off.She is back running every 2nd day. So it will be good to have somebody to train with from time to time.
I was a bit disappointed on missing out on the race on Saturday as they are few and far between these days.You have to realistic though I just was not in a fit state so have to live to fight another day.Life is pretty good.
The Sainters gave a rather insipid performance v Port in the first half yesterday. They were a lot better in the 2nd half but the horse had bolted and lost by 21pts. Realistically I think they are not a chance of figuring in the big games a t the end of the season. They are a frustrating team to follow never quite living up to their ability. Oh well I'm stuck with them.
Better get going. Till next week.


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